I picked a bad time to start this blog, given how I've been pretty busy in the month or so since its inception.. Barring the event of some sort of disaster or personal crisis, I am vowing to not let this blog go an entire week without a new post (and I'm certainly hoping to post more often than that). That being said, I haven't drawn much of anything in the last week. So here, instead of something fresh, is a bunch of old stuff from a sketchbook of mine from several years ago. Is there anything more exciting than looking at somebody's old sketches? Of course not. Something good came of this though, in that I found an old idea that I plan to turn into a new comic when I get a chance.
Also, I think it was actually a great habit to be in.. Just coming home at the end of the day and drawing without really thinking, which I too rarely do nowadays, especially with just a pen. I would scribble out anything that came to mind.
Click to digitally transform them into larger, more robust images.

Abe Lincoln often comes to mind.



I like this a little bit.

Moustaches can be a little creepy. Not always, but sometimes.

I don't know.

1 comment:
Disagreeing! Everyone loves weird sketchbooks from the past!
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