Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tiny Comic - Cute things

Here's a very quick one that I cranked out today. I said that I wanted to get a comic posted before the holiday week, and so that's what I've done.

Click to enlarge and get your heart so warmed that it might be unhealthy-

Friday, December 19, 2008

Comic revision: Pygmy Hippo with color

Not exactly a new post, but I thought it would be fun to throw a little color on the pygmy hippo comic. I love black and white, but this comic in particular seemed to be begging for some sprucing up, and if nothing else that "leader" panel looks more fully realized.

Click to enlarge and enter a colorful world of hippo-related fancy-

I want to do a quick new comic in the next day or two and get it posted before the holiday week.. If I don't make time, I think my parents have a decent scanner back home so I can at least get it up sometime before Christmas day. We shall see.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Comic: Can I Interest You in a Pygmy Hippo?

A few weeks ago, the world fell in love with Monifa, the pygmy hippo baby born at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia.. So let's start breeding these things faster and in bulk, because we all want one.

CLICK to make the tiny hippos grow up too fast-