Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Comic: Productivity is relative

I seem to recall a time, not so long ago, when I would draw and post quick, simple comics about bears.. Let's revisit that time, shall we?

Clicking the image will allow you to see it larger and all proper-like -

Ahh.. A nice change of pace after all of the real humans lately. It's always easier with bears.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Comic: Goldblummates

Jeff Goldblum and Jeff Goldblum.

Click/Enlarge to receive maximum Goldblum-

The dialogue consists of quotes from the man himself (and not characters he has played), which I found online and arranged. I can't say for sure that the lines are entirely accurate as I didn't compile them, but I seem to remember him saying such things on Letterman or Conan some years ago. Who cares, anyway? The words themselves are clearly somewhat inane, but the magic is that they are from the mouth of Goldblum. I do not appreciate Jeff Goldblum in an ironic way; He is a fine actor and one of my all-time favorite talk show guests. Remember those Apple commercials? I want to have a conversation with this man.

As for me completing the redo of what I set out to do last week, I am not thrilled with each depiction seen here, but I feel that overall it's Goldblumy enough, at least compared to the failures as described in my previous post.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Failure: Goldblum

I am having a personal crisis: I can't draw Jeff Goldblum.

Maybe I can draw something that looks vaguely Goldblumesque, once or twice, but I've given myself the task of drawing Goldblum six times for something that I'm working on (or was working on up to this point). I have penciled and redrawn all six figures many times, and I can not manage to muster more than a couple of slightly Goldblumish creatures, who seem to only get much less Jeff-like after the introduction of ink..

-A sampling of my feeble attempts at Goldblum.

Have you seen pictures of Jeff Goldblum? Of course you have. You've seen him on television, on film, and perhaps even in your dreams. You know what Jeff Goldblum looks like, as do I. I can close my eyes and picture an entire room full of Goldblums (laughing, pondering, chatting about this and that), and each one of them looks enough like him in my mind to the extent that I can certainly say, "I really, really know what Jeff Goldblum looks like," and I can mean it.

Jeff Goldblum is a chameleon. He is such a great actor that he has the ability to look totally different every time his image is captured on film, and yet he still completely remains himself. I'm confused by his nose, his eyes, his eyebrows, his chin, his damn smile-crevices.. What's up with his hair? His ears- what is going on there?

Has he had work done, or is his ever-changing appearance just the effect of aging and muscle gain and/or loss? Have you considered the possibility that there might be several Jeff Goldblums?

I couldn't draw Giada De Laurentiis, either.. and I was only trying to do just one.

(Sigh) I will get past this.. Perhaps I will at some point, sooner or later, redo what I started.. not that the idea is necessarily worth it in and of itself, but this could become a personal mission.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

TV Chefs and Cooks #3

More food people you mighta seen while lookin' at the TV..

Nigella Lawson-

Guy Fieri-

Julia Child-

The Swedish Chef-

-For Aaron. Bork bork bork!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TV Chefs and Cooks

Paula Deen-

Butter, y'all!

Gordan Ramsay-

And tonight, let us all shed a tear for Petrozza-

Oh, Petrozza.. If only you hadn't started off so poorly. You were still robbed. This may not have worked out, but maybe now you can become the "Next Food Network Star" instead. You may be messy, but then again so is Rachel Ray.


A self portrait.. The nose seems to be a little off (a bit too Duchovny-esque).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bad People #2

More total jerks.

Click on them and they shall appear larger, and perhaps more sinister-

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bad People

Collect 'em all!

Click images to make them grow slightly before your eyes-

I did this first one with a ballpoint pen.. I later took a rapidograph to it in an attempt to touch it up a bit.