Monday, June 16, 2008

Comic: onyd!

Clicking this image will make it oh so much better (and somewhat bigger)-

..I used different paper this time and suffered for it. My pen line was quite bloody, though it doesn't look much different than usual when shrunk down a bit.


Jessica Van Slanty Pants said...

Gee which one is Aaron and which one is Nate? Clearly the one wearing the cardigan is Aaron and the one wearing the American Apparel tee is Nate. I love that you personalized the bears :D

Nate Smalley said...

I don't want to spoil your enjoyment, but I didn't intentionally personalize the bears that way.. If anything, they're both me, or something like that.. Cardigan-bear could be Aaron as well, I guess. Bears are me, everyone and no one! They're very versatile that way.